Young women today lack the rights of women from 60 years ago, according to the POWER Club. Grandmothers of today got to live without such restrictions that modern women are being faced with. The changes in legislation, the presidency, and society are increasingly affecting women in negative ways.
In an exercise of their 1st amendment rights, Truckee High School students coordinated by the POWER (People Organized for Women’s Empowerment and Respect) Club at THS will perform a walkout on next Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 10:36am. Participants will walk up and down Donner Pass Road after exiting out of the West Wing doors.
It is important to note that anyone who participates in the event will be marked absent during Student Success.

According to the POWER Club, the overall concerns about women’s rights and the direction that the country is heading is going to be spoken out about at the event.
The walkout expresses concerns about the changes in government, as well as opinions about the lack of control that women have over their own bodies, rape culture, large pay gap and more.
Want to make a difference beyond the walkout? Get in contact and share your voice. Emailing legislators and sharing your concerns about how to invoke changes within our society is essential to make change.
Click here more information on the event and how to participate.