Behind the border there are Hispanics who want to be free and live the “American Dream.” But currently this is no one’s American dream. Hispanics have to deal with their families getting ripped apart, kids being scared of I.C.E coming to their school because these people print us as criminals?. Trump successfully became our president for the next four years and we have to deal with all the consequences. Trump has started mass deportations in the United States and people are okay with him doing it. Us Hispanics wanted freedom and wanted this American life but, slowly I’m realizing I don’t want it anymore.
As a Mexican American who doesn’t want to see her people being hurt and want their voices to be heard, it’s sad to see the world slowly being destroyed. People may ask why it’s so hard. Well, here you go. Us Mexicans don’t do anything but work and try to give a better life to the kids who didn’t grow up with anything.
Yes, this is a serious problem. Trump is taking these innocent people away because people print US AS CRIMINALS. People may say well some Hispanics are criminals, that’s true for all races though. They started off on a bad path and came to the United States for a “better life.” Let me tell you, nothing in America is giving us a better life. How about the people who kill innocent kids at schools because they have mental health issues and want to harm people, what about them? What about the white cops who kill black people because they see them as a threat, simply because of their skin color? How about all the kids who can easily get access to drugs?
The President isn’t focused on the real problems in our world. Being Mexican and having to deal with stuff like this is no joke.
On February 3rd, 2025 they did this mass protest saying no hispanic should go to work, school, or even shopping and it worked. According to Principal John Neuberger, he saw a massive change in attendance at Truckee High. He said “this is bringing attention because you guys really showed what it’s like.” My principle saying that made me feel good because I realized that my people are doing the right thing for them to be heard. Being at a school with mostly white people is upsetting because people don’t understand how hard it is seeing your people being hurt one by one.