For many, the holidays are generally over once December comes to a close and all have made their New Year’s resolutions for the next year; however, who said you’ve got to stop celebrating then? Thus, here’s a list of 10 things to celebrate to liven up your February!
1. February 1 – Ice Cream For Breakfast Day
Who said breakfast needs to be something savory?
2. February 2 – World Ukulele Day
Perhaps you’d like to fill your days with music and strum your heart out on the ukulele on this day!
3. February 4 – National Homemade Soup Day
Break out your pots and pans, now is the perfect time to enjoy a steaming soup as the chill of winter trudges on.
4. February 7 – National Send a Card to a Friend Day
Get out your paper and glue sticks…time to get crafty.
5. February 14 – Library Lovers Day
Maybe you’d like to hop over to the Truckee library and bury your nose in a story…you never know what you’ll find. (Or you could just celebrate Valentine’s Day!)
6. February 17 – Random Acts of Kindness Day
The world could always use a little more kindness. Maybe smiling at a stranger or baking a treat for a friend…anything you like!
7. February 20 – National Love Your Pet Day
Of course we want to love our pets all the time, but perhaps take this day to especially show your furry friend some extra appreciation. Maybe spend some extra time playing with them or giving them lots of kisses and pets (if your pet is suitable for this of course!).
8. February 26 – National Tell a Fairytale Day
Perhaps storytelling is especially your jive (or not); use this day to return to all of our favorite tales from Goldilocks to Little Red Riding Hood (or Shrek…)!
9. February 27 – National Retro Day
Return back to the times before smartphones or the internet…maybe you’ll want to change up your outfit for today or maybe even something as simple as taking a break from social media.
10. February 28 – National Tooth Fairy Day
This is the perfect day to show some appreciation for the tooth fairy who labored long and hard to collect your teeth…(maybe the fairy would enjoy a letter or casserole…whatever you think fits).
Valentine’s Day doesn’t need to be the only way to spice up February and these are some great ways to get through the chilly winter months!