The Truckee High School Drama Department’s fall show is in full swing. The Importance of Being Earnest, written by Oscar Wilde, follows two young bachelors who are looking for connections. The story grapples with marriage, societal expectations, lifestyles, and the small perspectives of the upper English Victorian class. The two main characters, (John ‘Jack’ Worthing, played by AJ Taylor, and Algernon ‘Algy’ Moncrieff, portrayed by Cormac Linde) create alter egos, both by the name Earnest. They end up falling into confusion about who was engaged to which young woman.
While the story is entirely classic and poised, the cast was able to make the story enriching and descriptive. The long dialogs of endless and confusing British ideas were eloquently transformed, from paper to life. The result is a beautiful production by Truckee High’s drama department. With amazing sets, beautiful costumes and sensational acting, the play was brought to vivid life. Taylor and Linde were able to bring these characters forward, elevated by the rest of the cast.
The stage crew carried the show along smoothly and created perfect transitions.
Some may claim that The Importance of Being Earnest is a slightly dated play, but the cast and crew were able to show the timelessness and the topics that may even be present today.