First Day of School

I started out the school year thinking I have completely zero friends but now I have like a million

First Day of School

I stepped into the classroom with a shocked expression on my face. It was my first day of school in second grade I had just moved from San Francisco. When I walked in first thing I saw was how nice it looked and how blue the sky was compared to the gloomy and dark smokey school I used to be in. I look to see where my desk was and I noticed there was a freckly blonde haired Kid Next to Me. He had glasses and a longish nose, he smiled as I sat down but I still feel uncomfortable being in a new school.

At lunch I sat down to eat my globby old tuna sandwich. It was my favorite and it might have been wet and mushy butt still delicious. As I was eating the freckled long nose kid came up to me. “Hi,” he said “my name is Justin, Justin Reece.” We chatted and talked to the end of lunch when we then headed out for recess. We talked and walked around the school playing and goofing around. That was the start of a beautiful friendship and a fun school year.

So later we decided I’d have a sleepover at Justin’s house.It turns out he had an Xbox at his house. We played last and snuck marshmallows out of the pantry until 1:00 at night. He taught me a game called Mortal Kombat. It was the bloodiest game I had ever seen and we had so much fun playing with it. Roughly around 3:00 a.m. we played another game called Halo. We played and we laughed. I think I barfed once because of the marshmallows and it was one of the funnest experiences I had ever had.

When I went home I was so tired I felt like every bone in my body was begging for sleep of course though I had to tough through it because they didn’t need to know we pulled them all nighter. It was hard but next day at school we had something fun to talk about and he invited me over for his spot at snack we talk laughed and played some more we talked about memes.

That was one of the most fun times I had ever had it was amazing and I loved it so much. When my parents ask me what I did all night I had to tell a lie apart I told him that we went down to the General Store and we played there and then got into bed at 9:00.

And here I am three years later in fifth grade. I’m surrounded by new friends with fun times. I mean here I am and squad of seven just put together.

The point is that I started out the school year thinking I have completely zero friends but now I have like a million.

Glenshire Elementary you’re never lonely and it’s a really fun experience through TK to 5th grade.