
Friendship is complicated


“Zayla, My sister bit me yesterday and I think it’s going to scar,” Faith said.

“No way! Really?” I said as Faith showed me the bite mark, “And what are you doing during recess?” 

I hope she is not doing anything. Maybe she can do something with me. I sighed inwardly. Faith should be able to hang out with who she wants. Not just me. I thought.  

“Sorry I’m hanging out with Zara,” Faith replied

“Ok……” I said as I bit into my olives.

I wish Faith would hang out with me more, she seems to always want to hang out with Zara. I mentally shoved away those feelings, but I knew I couldn’t keep just pushing my feelings away. 

The bell rang to tell us that snack was over. I got off the ground, picked up my stuff and walked to my class. Mrs. Vargas told us we were going to do a Wonders assignment. As I got my Wonders Book I heard arguing. I looked around the room. I saw my classmates putting their snacks away. Over in the corner Zara and Eldorado were arguing over a bean bag.  What are they doing? I walked over, stepping around the desks and chairs. 

“Hey Eldorado! Me and Faith called that! We were here first!” Said Zara.

“Well you left!” Replied Eldorado.

“Zara, can you at least let Eldorado have one?” I said.

“This is not your conversation!” said Zara, “You’re always in everybody’s business!”

That’s where it all started, just that argument


“Yeah, My sister bit right through my shirt,” Faith said to Mrs. Vargas.

“Wow, are you OK?”


“That is kinda mean of her,” I said

I can’t believe her little sister did that! I thought

“I have to go,” she said


Faith came back later with Zara.

“Hey, can I talk with you,” said Zara

“Okay sure.” I said

Oh no I think she took what I said about Faith’s sister the wrong way. 

We walked away, to the other side of the class.

“Zayla, you shouldn’t say negative things about other people’s families,” said Zara and Faith.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you said Faith’s sister is a bad person, because she bit her.”

“No! I did not mean it that way. I meant that it was mean of her to do that, not that she is a mean person.

“Well we told her that you said that, and she wants you to apologize.”

I don’t really believe that they would tell Faith’s sister. And I knew that they probably were just confused by what I said. I didn’t blame them.


All my classmates walked out to lunch.

I never got a chance to explain more about what I really meant.



“I heard that ACMS has a huge Library!” I said

It had been 2 days since our last argument. I forgave them, they forgave me. We can now be friends.

“I can’t wait!”

“Nether can I!” Faith and Zara said in unison,”

I knew that we had had our ups and downs, but we could be friends if we could keep going.


* * *

My friendships in elementary school  are complicated. Sometimes it takes me years to make a good friendship. Or it can take days. I just wish I would have known how complicated it can be so that I wouldn’t have felt so sad. 

I still feel it’s just better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction. 

I hope next year in Middle School will be easier, but I know it’ll probably be difficult. 

It’ll be easier with friends.