Truckee High School Spring Musical Auditions!

Clue just closed up but auditions for the next are right around the corner. Drama club is proud to announce the upcoming spring musical, Rodger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella!

Cinderella! is going to be the biggest show in the Truckee High Theatre in over 20 years! The school has put a lot of time and effort into the costumes, the sets will be magnificent, along with an amazing cast. 

Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella brings all of the magic of the classic we love with just a little more depth. It features two balls instead of one, a kind but conflicted stepsister, and an underlying current of social change. Auditions will be held on Wednesday January 18th from 2:30 – 5:30 in the Truckee High auditorium. This is a huge show and we need as many people as possible. We are looking for singers, dancers, actors, men to play male roles, acrobats, and anyone who wants to be a part of this experience with us. Absolutely no prior experience is necessary! To audition, please prepare a 1-2 minute song and bring clothes and shoes to move in, reading material will be provided and a group dance audition will be held near the end of the audition. To sign up, scan the QR code on the attached photo (or any of the physical posters in the hallways) or from this link This show has tons of featured roles and a huge ensemble with a featured dance core. We can’t wait to see you there!

auditions poster that can be seen around school

Character breakdown

Ella (Cinderella): (Soprano, Any Ethnicity) A kind hearted beauty with an infectious generosity of spirit. Has courage and kindness, and is her best self even through the worst times in life. Though she has been flying under the radar she comes fully into herself as an articulate dynamic woman with a great deal to say. Traditional musical theater soprano

Topher (Prince): (Baritone, Any Ethnicity) The prince of the kingdom leads with heroic bravado but is deeply naïve and not always quick on the draw. In search of his purpose. His kind-hearted nature spills into an endearing goofiness at times. Light comedic touch is essential. Soaring, rich musical theater baritone to G.

Marie (Fairy Godmother): (Soprano, Any Ethnicity) First presents as a bag lady but is revealed as Ella’s fairy godmother in disguise. Warm, with a spark of wackiness, she lifts the magic in the show and highlights what is possible! Soaring traditional musical theater soprano to G.

Gabrielle (Step Sister): (Mezzo-Soprano, Any Ethnicity) Ella’s stepsister and daughter of Madame. Begins aligned with her materialistic mother and sister but her kindness and thoughtful nature emerge as she is affected by Ella and love interest John-Michel. Perhaps a bit quirky and cut from a different mold than the social climbers around her. Comedic timing is essential. Strong and expressive traditional musical theater voice

Madame (Step Mother): (Mezzo-Soprano, Any Ethnicity) Ella’s selfish stepmother. A vain and tyrannical social climber. Deeply concerned with status and image and entirely dismissive of her stepdaughter. Comedic timing essential. Traditional musical theater character voice.

Charlotte (Step Sister): (Mezzo-Soprano, Any Ethnicity) Ella’s step sister and daughter of Madame. Deeply self-involved, attention seeker. Loud, brash and delights in being cocky. Lacks self-awareness and often the last one in on the joke. Excellent comedic timing required. Traditional  musical theater character belt to F.

Jean Michel (Gabrielle’s Love Interest):  (Any Ethnicity) An enthusiastic revolutionary determined to make a difference. Energized and on his way to becoming a leader. Great comedic timing. Traditional musical theater voice.

Sebastian (Topher’s Lord Chancellor: (Any Ethnicity). He actively shields the Prince from what is occurring in his kingdom and revels in maintaining his own power. Disregarding villagers in need he is primarily concerned with preserving the wealthy and the reach of his power. Fantastic comedic timing is essential. Traditional musical theater character voice.

Lord Pinkleton: (Tenor, Any Ethnicity) Sebastian’s second-in- command and the herald for all balls and events. Announces royal balls, banquets and even the weather. Excellent comedic timing is essential. Traditional musical theater tenor.

Giant: Stilts experience preferred. This character is featured in the beginning of the show, battling with Knights and Prince Topher. 

Fox (Puppet)/Footman:  (any ethnicity) Strong dance abilities, comedic timing, joyful presence. They will be featured in In My Own Little Corner, Transformation, The Ball, Ten Minutes Ago, Cinderella’s Waltz, Ten Minutes Ago (Reprise), and, The Pursuit. They will also double in the ensemble.

Raccoon (Puppet)/Coachman: Strong Dancer Abilities, comedic timing, joyful presence. They will be featured in In My Own Little Corner, Transformation, The Ball, Ten Minutes Ago, Cinderella’s Waltz, Ten Minutes Ago (Reprise), The Pursuit). They will also double in the ensemble.

Dance Troupe: 12 Dancers (6 Couples) that will be our main troupe for dance numbers. They will perform in The Prince is Giving a Ball, Transformations, The Ball, Ten Minutes Ago, Cinderella’s Waltz, Ten Minutes Ago (Reprise), The Pursuit) 

Ensemble: Knights/ Peasants/ Serfs/ Townspeople/ Ladies & GentleMen of the Court/ Servants/ Griffin or Dragon

Mockup of an ensemble pesant dress