
Clue! Truckee High’s 2022 fall play is filled with humor, drama and of course, mysteries that will leave you questioning who to accuse.

Will you be able to guess who it is? Or will you leave just as confused as when you first entered the theater?

The amazing cast is able to make a play about murdering people funny and lighthearted. With lots of jokes with amazing actors to pull them off, Clue! is a very entertaining and easy watch for anyone. 

The sets were designed very well, covering most of the rooms in the game, and became very versatile with a very unique touch that will only be seen at Truckee High! 

The entire Set crew worked hard and fast to get the sets up to standard, their job was done perfectly. The Sound and Lights crew also worked hard to be on time and create the perfect environment for the play. 

The THS Drama club is lucky to have their new director John Paul Rivard debuting with Clue! THS Drama is sure to have more amazing plays with just as amazing set crews and actors.